Another session that inspired me was "Flipping the English Classroom". Believe me, I have read and heard plenty about flipping, the practice of moving lectures to online environments so that teachers can focus their time in class on assisting students with meeting the learning goal and giving students time to demonstrate their understanding. What I hadn't heard to date is how that might look in an English classroom, with its broad, integrated, nonlinear objectives. The presenter, Sherrill Jolly of South Brunswick High, did an outstanding job of recounting her successes and alerting us to the pitfalls that she experienced as she flipped her classes. Ms. Jolly was clear, her thoughts were well-organized and her southern charm and wit quickly won over the participants. For me, I believe that this session will have the biggest impact on my classroom instruction. I am anxious to try many of the methods that she used for my class this week!!
I would encourage any of my colleagues to attend next year's NCETA; the price of preparing for a substitute was well worth the benefit of all that I will bring back to my classroom and to my school.